There’s nothing more unsettling for a homeowner to hear the fateful words, “bed bug”. It also strikes fear into the heart of hospitality management and stops multi-unit landlords in their tracks. Fortunately, hiring a bed bug exterminator in Montreal can eradicate this problem quickly and affordably.
Small and red or brown in colour, bed bugs feed on animals and humans, usually at night while you sleep. This takes only 15-minutes, after which the bugs hide for about 7-days until their next feeding. These insects are oval, wingless, and adults are roughly the size of an apple seed. This means you can see them but catching them is another matter altogether. Bed bugs move quickly and can scurry up walls and even across the ceiling. Their favourite place to hide is in your mattress or other furnishings.
This begs the question how to get rid of bed bugs. Read on for do-it-yourself (DIY) tactics and when to call in the experts. Here’s what you need to know.
I Have Bed Bugs, What Does This Mean?
At Thermapro Solutions, we receive this question a lot. Bed bugs aren’t a reflection of the cleanliness of your home or the location in which you live. They occur all over Montreal in a variety of dwellings, including single-family homes, high rise apartments, hotels and condos. While more common in areas with a greater rate of residential turnover (like apartments) anybody can experience bed bugs. It’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of.
Once you notice bed bugs it’s important to act quickly. Not only because it will keep them from multiplying in your home, but also to reduce the risk of spreading bed bugs to friends, family, and neighbours.
DIY Bed Bug Removal Tips
While it’s always best to contact a pest control company, some people prefer to try some home remedies first. These sometimes work well, especially if you start early. At Thermapro we’ve heard our share of DIY stories, and if you’re going to try to get rid of the bugs on your own, we suggest starting here:
Launder in Hot Water
Washing everything and anything that might be affected by the bugs in extremely hot water helps kill the creatures and keep them from creeping through your laundry hamper. A minimum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit is a good place to begin. Once the items are laundered, fold them and seal them in airtight vacuum bags away from the floor.
Seal up Openings
Anywhere a bug could fit is somewhere a bed bug could be hiding in your home. Caulking and resealing these openings helps reduce the number of hiding spots your unwanted visitors have access to.
Dismantle Beds and Inspect for Bugs
Even if you’re planning to contact a professional pest service, dismantling bed frames will make the job easier later. Quickly inspect all bed frames to ensure no bugs are hiding. Remove and launder bedding in hot water and dry in a dryer on high for about 45 minutes. Next, check your mattress and box spring with a flashlight for traces of bed bugs.
If none of these handy tricks seem to work on your bed bug problem, it’s time to call the professionals. Both the CAA Quebec in Canada and the EPA in the United States recommend using heat treatment to remove the bugs, which is what Thermapro Solutions excels at. Experienced bed bug removal services are skilled in finding and eliminating pests quickly and effectively. We focus on getting the job done right the first time. This removes the need for repeat visits and keeps your home feeling safe and bug-free.
How Can Thermapro Solutions Help?
The Thermapro Solutions bed bug treatment relies on the power of Thermal Remediation™. Bed bugs are unable to withstand high temperatures, which offers us a natural and safe way to permanently remove the pests from your home. We work closely with homeowners and business owners in Montreal to eliminate the need for harmful chemical treatments.
Thermapro Solutions heat treatment increases the temperature of the space where you’ve noticed an infestation. This heat gets everywhere in a room, including cracks and crannies in walls, ceilings and floors. For immediate results, we’ve found that pesticides alone never do the trick. Some advantages we’ve noticed by using heat include:
- No use of chemicals in your home
- Safe for those sensitive to smells
- Same-day results
- No residual smell
- No need to extract furniture from rooms before treatment
- 100% accuracy every time
- Destroys all stages of bed bugs from egg to adult
The Government of Canada and Do it Yourself Pest Control both offer insightful tips on handling these creepy crawlies.
Contact the bed bug exterminator team in Montreal to learn more about how to get rid of bed bugs in Montreal.